9/21/2017 0 Comments The Power of Two | Part 2Genesis 1:1&2, “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.”
In part 1, I shared one of my early morning contemplations. This time, I was meditating on themystery of God and how the Name, Elohim, gives us our first glimpse of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We see the flawless unity of Three as Elohim works and moves in perfect harmony to create the heavens and the earth. I thought about how amazing it is that God made us like Him. We resemble Him in so many ways and one of those is found in the many three’s He placed in us. For instance: We are a body, that houses a soul and a spirit. Three in one. Our soul is made up of a mind, a will, and emotions. Another three in one. Our mind says, “I think” and how that reminds me of the Father, who knew us long before we were born. He who was the Thought, the idea and imagination behind creation. Our will says, “I want” and how like the Son, who left everything to be with us. Who said, “My will is to do the will of My Father.” Our emotions say, “I feel” and how like the Spirit that is. The One who came to live in us. The One who hovers and broods and grieves, who comforts and counsels and convicts. We are so like our Daddy. At least, we would be like Him, if we had not chosen to be fathered by another. We wanted to know evil; to explore the possibility that God was not the only good. We abandoned our Father; the One who gave birth to us. We left the One who Loved us, to be brought up by one who despised us. We were abused. Lied to. And the knowledge our mind consumed was the trauma of evil. We were deceived, manipulated and controlled. To survive, we learned his ways. Ways of dishonesty and trickery. Dread was our daily companion, inscribing the good of evil in our thoughts; tattooing our soul with the ink of sin. We sank deeper into the aftermath of the darkness we knew and slipped farther away from the Father we feared. This is the state and condition of a soul without Christ. We have all been there and yet, why do believers continue to live in this embattled state of mind when we were made in the image of our true Father? Our mind, our will, and our emotions were meant to be one. To know the peace of God. To enjoy the power of perfect harmony. To imagine. To speak. And to establish. One of the most important questions we will ever answer is this, “Is it well with my soul?” Too many Christians are still speaking and moving out of the lies, the traumas and the false knowledge of the old man. They are captive to the cravings of the Self-life, Galatians 5:13-21. Galatians 5:17, “For your Self-life craves the things that offend the Holy Spirit and hinder Him from living free within you…” [PT] Clothes can change our appearance and we can even learn the nuances of religious-speak, but an undead, uncrucified Self will always serve sin. To find our true selves, let’s come back to the garden. Back to our birth, where our purpose and design was imagined. Had we not first been a beloved Thought, these bodies would not house an eternal being. Job 32:8, “But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.” [NIV] Our spirit is the breath of God. With anticipation, He leaned over the clay. He laid forehead to forehead, hand to hand and foot to foot. Placing His mouth over man’s mouth, Elohim exhaled… and His never-ending, immortalbreath permeated the soul of man and we became a living being. Eternal. A soul unable to die. Which is why science attempts to quantify the measurement of the separation that takes place between body and soul when death arrives. Deep inside, we know, that we will live forever. We have a spirit, which comes from the breath of God and yet, it is so much more than that! As His Spirit hovered over the deep, so our spirit has the power to move, to hover, and to brood over whatever we feed it. Our spirit is the most powerful thing about us, but our soul feeds our spirit. Which is how the tale turns because our soul was fed by an outsider. An imposter. A Liar. And still, our spirit hovers over the thoughts we feed it. When our mind is filled with unclean, unholy and unrighteous thoughts, the energy of our spirit broods over those thoughts until they manifest into action. They become our reality. A saved soul and a saved spirit make one a whole new man. A saved spirit and an unsaved soul make a double-minded person; a tormented man. God gave us an eternal spirit so that we could belong. Like sons and daughters belong to parents, we had a place where everything made sense. We had a home where we could sit by the fire and let Daddy solve our problems, but we gave our birthright to another. He took what we gave and so much more. We lost our identity. We lost home. We lost the understanding of why we were created and how we function. All these things, our fallen master knows. He knows who we are and how we were designed. He knows that our spirit energizes whatever we come into agreement with. Our spirit; this breath of God in us. He knows that our spirit has the power to inspire, encourage, embolden, rouse, strengthen, allow, etc. And he knows that our spirit can discourage, dishearten, oppose, hinder, restrain and suppress. Most importantly, he knows that our soul defines the state of our spirit because our spirit produces what our soul craves. Whether we like it or not, we are spiritual beings living in a physical realm. Our spirit broods over the thoughts that dominate our mind and the moods that sway our emotions. Our tongue is merely an extension of whatever our spirit is dwelling on. Matthew 12:34, “…For whatever is in your heart determines what you say.” [NLT] Words become energy because our spirit broods over our thoughts. Our Father is the Creator of all things and creation happened thus: Jesus was the Word that spoke the Father’s Thoughts. The Spirit was the energy that hovered over His Word. Chaos was disrupted and the world became. Shape. Form. Substance. With our words we authorize, we consent, we establish, permit, enable, or forbid. With our words, we build walls or tear them down. Our words become the matter and substance that we live. They are the fences behind which we hide, or the gates through which we move. Our thoughts influence our feelings and our words reflect our thoughts. What are you brooding over? How many believers live with a tormented mind when God created us to rule over our soul? We are powerful beings. Powerful in the natural. We can affect the world that we can see with the naked eye, but we are even more powerful in the world we can’t see. In the same way that we can direct and impact material achievement, we can command and influence spiritual forces. Every time two come together and open our mouth in agreement, we direct armies. Unseen hosts go in and out on the earth with assignments according to our words. In the early stages of my waking, these thoughts were skipping through the uncluttered waves of my mind. I love those moments. Rare. Unchaotic. All is at rest, but just as I started to roll over and go back to sleep, I heard the Lord say, “Creation is the power of two becoming one.” My covers flew back; my feet swung to the floor. In yet another way, we are like our Daddy! We are creators.
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